Wild mushroom forays 2018

Long, hot, dry summer followed by substantial rain = mushroom explosion!

It’s all happening in the woods of West Sweden and we’re out every day making hay while the sun shines, as it were.

It’s lovely to see water trickling in the stream beds and see the undergrowth getting greener again, and even lovelier to see the forest floor blooming with more and more wild mushrooms every day.

We’re really looking forward to our longer forays with lunch al fresco in the Peak District. Going out with other mushroom enthusiasts is always one of our favourite activities. The first one is now fully booked but we still have spaces on 30 September and 21 October. You’ll find full details on our UK forays page.

Coming up also is our traditional foray for New Mills Festival, which this year is running in a smaller format as a fringe festival. Join us for a walk around the fields and woods, with a wild mushroom soup to taste in a pub afterwards, on 23 September.